Hajj 2024: Kaduna urges pilgrims to take advantage of deadline extension

The Kaduna State Pilgrims Welfare Agency has urged intending pilgrims to take advantage of the extension of registration for the 2024 Hajj to meet the January 31 deadline.

The Executive Chairman of the agency, Malam Salihu Abubakar, made the call in a statement issued by its Public Relations Officer, Malam Yunusa Abdullahi on Wednesday in Kaduna.

Abdullahi quoted Abubakar as saying that the agency welcomes the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria’s (NAHCON) decision to extend the Hajj 2024 registration deadline to January 31.

“This aligns with the call from religious leaders and stakeholders for wider participation in the holy pilgrimage,” he said.

The chairman also called on all intending pilgrims in the state to seize this opportunity and complete their Hajj deposit before the new deadline expires.

“The extension provides valuable time for those who have not registered to fulfill their dream of performing Hajj,” Abubakar said.

He reminded the intending pilgrims that registration could only be done through designated Registration Officers in all the 23 Local Government Areas of the state.

“To initiate the process, intending pilgrims should obtain a customized bank teller from these officers before making their deposit,” he said.

Abubakar said that the agency was committed to providing all the necessary support and guidance to ensure the conduct of a successful hajj.

He urged everyone considering performing Hajj 2024 to act quickly and make use of the extended time frame.

Credit:21st century

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