The Generation Next Campaign Council has described as fake press statements purportedly issued by the APC governorship Candidate Nentawe Yilwatda on the just concluded presidential and national assembly elections.

Spokesman for Generation Next Campaign Council Shittu Bamaiyi in a statement said at  no time did Nentawe grant any interview to journalists or issued a press statement on the conduct of the just concluded election.

Shittu disclosed that since the presidential and national assembly elections took place, Nentawe has been preoccupied with interfacing and canvassing votes  for the forthcoming governorship and House of assembly elections.

The campaign spokesman pointed out that it is not in Nentawe's character  to shirk away from commenting on issues of public interest,  it is therefore  unacceptable to put words in his mouth when he has not granted any press interview or issued a statement for that matter. 

He stated that the purported press statements trending particularly in the social media are fake and mischievous and of no consequence since it did not emanate from him or his spokesperson.

According to him, Nentawe has a spokesman who is saddled with  the responsibility of issuing press statements on his behalf especially on public matters.

Shittu noted that  whatever reasons or worth of the purported statements they  can at least be described as frivolous and ill- motivated.

The campaign council spokesman commended the teeming supporters of the APC for keeping  faith in the party and expressed the believe that he and other house of assembly candidates on the ticket of APC will  emerge victorious on the 11th of March.

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