"Tech-Driven Progress: Kaduna State's Integrated System Paves the Way for Enhanced Social Protection Programs"

Zakari Isah - Kaduna

In a strategic partnership, the Kaduna State Government, in collaboration with Save the Children International (SCI), unveiled the inaugural sub-national Social Protection Management Information System on Monday. 

"This cutting-edge software is poised to reshape the landscape of social protection programs in the state."

The integrated system is designed to consolidate and streamline social protection initiatives spanning ministries, departments, and agencies within Kaduna State, utilizing a comprehensive social register for more effective implementation. 

"Developed by SCI in alignment with the UK-funded Expanding Social Protection for Inclusive Development (ESPID) program, this marks a significant leap forward in fortifying social protection efforts in Nigeria."

Governor Uba Sani, lauding the initiative's impact, emphasized its pivotal role within the Kaduna Mutual Accountability Framework with the UK Government. He publicly acknowledged Save the Children International's substantial contribution to the state's developmental strides.

Representing Governor Uba Sani, Commissioner Mukhtar Ahmed Monrovia highlighted the initiative as a testament to Kaduna State's commitment to utilizing technology for inclusive governance and enhancing social protection programs. 

The Commissioner noted the importance of such advancements in fostering improved social welfare for the citizens. 

Coordinator Umar Sani Maikudi underscored the software's potential to address challenges associated with fragmented information. 

He emphasized the system's ability to enhance coordination and facilitate targeted interventions, ultimately benefiting the citizens of Kaduna. 

"This initiative stands as a beacon of progress in the state's relentless pursuit of leveraging technology for the betterment of social welfare and governance."

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