Breaking News: A Federal High Court Dismisses Case Against Gov Matawalle.


A Federal High Court sitting in Abuja, Nigeria today Tuesday February 28th, 2023 dismisses a case filed by the Peoples Democratic Party PDP seeking for the disqualification of Gov Bello Mohammed Matawallen Maradun of Zamfara State.

Delivery the judgment at the Federal High Court 2 Abuja, Justice Binta Nyako said "You can't stop Matawalle from contesting in the 2023 General Election." and 

DISMISSED the case.

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has instituted an action at the Federal High Court 2 

against His Excellency (Dr) Bello Muhammad Matawalle MON the Executive Governor of Zamfara State, challenging his academic qualifications to contest in the  2023 General Election.  

The case was adjourned to today Tuesday 28/2/2023 for Judgment.

This is coming barely 2 weeks after a  similar matter ( challenging the academic qualifications of the governor) instituted by Muniru Haidara an active member of PDP  was DISMISSED by the Presiding Judge of the Federal High Court Gusau.

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