Inter-Party Advisory Council, IPAC Condemns Call For Interim Government

The Inter-Party Advisory Council (IPAC) has condemned in strong terms calls in some quarters for the installation of an interim government in the country.

The IPAC National Chairman, Sani Yabagi, condemned the calls on Friday in Abuja, at a news conference held after the council’s emergency general meeting.

Yabagi said that the statement by the Department of State Service (DSS) that it had uncovered a plot by some people to violently disrupt the nation’s peace and install an interim government was disturbing.

He described the interim government as unconstitutional, undemocratic and unacceptable.

“IPAC rejects any attempt to scuttle, subvert and truncate the nation’s emerging democracy by reactionary and retrogressive forces.

“It is an attempt to overheat the polity, cause confusion, political upheavals, impasse and quagmire as was the case in the infamous annulment of the June 12, 1993, presidential election that necessitated the hasty set up of an interim government by Gen. Ibrahim Babangida, which was headed by Chief Ernest Shonekan in August 1993.

“The court declared it illegal and the interim national government was overthrown by Gen. Sani Abacha in November same year,” he said.

Yabagi called on the country’s intelligence service to name the plotters, and arrest and prosecute them in accordance with the law of the land.

This is to serve as a deterrent to others who would resort to self-help to achieve their selfish political ambitions.

He reiterated the council’s call on all aggrieved political parties, candidates and supporters to eschew violence in all its ramifications and seek redress in court for perceived infractions and irregularities in the conduct of the 2023 general election.

The Council further urged the judiciary to dispense justice without fear or favour as the temple of justice and last hope of all aggrieved persons."


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