Embrace Fairness, Professionalism - AYCF Tells EFCC


The Arewa Youth Consultative Forum (AYCF) said it has closely observed the events unfolding in Kogi State since the inception of the current administration and noted with utter perplexity and concern, the unrelenting disturbances created by certain interest groups, specifically the continued persecution of former governor Yahaya Bello.

It also averred that the embers of this persistent intimidation and harassment of the former governor were ignited and incessantly fanned by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), under the pretext of conducting a fictitious investigation into unsubstantiated and baseless allegations against him. 

In a statement issued by the President General of the forum, Alhaji Yerima Shettima, he said, the forum finds these actions wholly unacceptable and calls on the EFCC to act in a fair and unbiased manner.

According to Shettima, as the representatives of various interest groups from Northern Nigeria, the AYCF has carefully watched and studied these events with considerable restraint and maturity and in order to facilitate a peaceful atmosphere, have condoned and accommodated several unreasonable and unacceptable actions carried out by the EFCC, a government agency that is supposed to be fair and just in its dealings.

He posited however that the AYCF believes that there is a limit to such tolerance, stressing that matters have now reached a point where silence becomes complicity and inaction is no longer an option, adding that the forum is compelled to caution the EFCC to be more professional and unbiased in the discharge of its functions.

"We urge the EFCC to eschew the temptation of serving the dubious political interests of some unscrupulous power mongers. The EFCC needs to regain its credibility and adhere to the principles of fairness, justice, and integrity in all its dealings.

"The AYCF believes in the principle of the rule of law and expects that individuals, regardless of their political affiliations, should be treated with respect and given a fair opportunity to defend themselves against any allegations. It is in the interest of justice and the preservation of fundamental human rights that we call on the EFCC to conduct its investigations in a fair and unbiased manner.

Shettima restated the commitment of AYCF to fostering peace and unity in Northern Nigeria and therefore called on all stakeholders to support the AYCF's stance in urging the EFCC to embrace fairness and professionalism in the discharge of its responsibilities.

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