Muslims Leaders Call On President Tinubu To Reverse Back On His Decision

Yahaya Muhammed

Muslims leaders in the Northern part of Nigeria are urging President Ahmed Bola Tinubu to reconsider his decision to deploy French soldiers to fight insecurity in the region. 

They express concern over the potential consequences, citing the actions of French soldiers towards their Muslim counterparts in Niger Republic. This call comes as rumors circulate about President Tinubu's alleged agenda with the French government to undermine the economy and target Muslims in Northern Nigeria.

Speaking to journalists, prominent Muslim leaders express their strong disapproval of President Tinubu's plan. Mal Muhammad Umaru Fatahu Pandogari, the assistant chief Imam of Shairk Dahiru Usman Bauchi Foundation, and Mal Muhammad Dahiru, the leader of Ulamas Kaduna North, highlight the need for President Tinubu to consult with Northern leaders and religious figures for guidance.

Nigerians Sufficiently Equipped

The Muslim leaders emphasize that the Nigerian military possesses the necessary capabilities to combat insecurity within the country. They assert that with adequate support and resources allocated, the Nigerian soldiers are more than capable of addressing the prevailing challenges.

A Call to Action

Mal Muhammad Fatahu requests the chief Imam of every Friday mosque to utilize the audio message as the sermon for this Friday's Jumu'ah prayer. This serves as a means of conveying the concerns expressed by the Muslim leaders to the wider Muslim community.

## Acknowledging Support

The Muslim leaders express their gratitude towards Professor Khailani Abubakar Muhammed for his support in praying for peace and economic growth in Northern Nigeria. They acknowledge his efforts in fostering stability in the region and the overall prosperity of the zones and the country as a whole.

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